- How yo open .cdf files on trainz simulator verification#
- How yo open .cdf files on trainz simulator software#
Overall, the purpose of this effort was primarily to evaluate ASEDRA, and GADRAS was used as a standard against which ASEDRA was compared. Evaluation of the analysis results with respect to the ground truth information (which was provided after the analyses were finalized) showed that neither ASEDRA/QuickID nor GADRAS could identify all of the radiation sources correctly. Data that were used for the blind test were intended to be challenging, and the radiation sources included thick shields around the radioactive materials as well as cargo containing naturally occurring radio-active materials, which masked emission from special nuclear materials and industrial isotopes.
How yo open .cdf files on trainz simulator software#
The ASEDRA/QuickID analysis results were evaluated with respect to the performance of the DHSIsotopeID algorithm, which more » is a mature analysis tool that is part of the Gamma Detector Response and Analysis Software (GADRAS). The QuickID algorithm, also developed at UF/FINDS, was then used to identify nuclides based on the characteristic peaks generated by ASEDRA that are inferred from the spectra. ASEDRA is a post-processing algorithm developed at the Florida Institute of Nuclear Detection and Security at the University of Florida (UF/FINDS) that extracts char-acteristic peaks in gamma-ray spectra. The performance of the Advanced Synthetically Enhanced Detector Resolution Algorithm (ASEDRA) was evaluated by performing a blind test of 29 sets of gamma-ray spectra that were provided by DNDO. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States) Sponsoring Org.: US Department of Energy (US) OSTI Identifier: 15011571 Report Number(s): UCRL-TR-207129 TRN: US0501331 DOE Contract Number: W-7405-ENG-48 Resource Type: Technical Report Resource Relation: Other Information: PBD: Country of Publication: United States Language: English Subject: 45 MILITARY TECHNOLOGY, WEAPONRY, AND NATIONAL DEFENSE 73 NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND RADIATION PHYSICS 71 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM MECHANICS, GENERAL PHYSICS 22 GENERAL STUDIES OF NUCLEAR REACTORS ALGORITHMS BACKGROUND RADIATION COMPTON EFFECT CRITICALITY DETECTION HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM MUONS NATIONAL SECURITY NUCLEAR WEAPONS PLUTONIUM RADIATION SOURCES RADIATIONS RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS SENSITIVITY SIMULATION SPECTRA = ,

« lessĪuthors: Labov, S E Pleasance, L Sokkappa, P Craig, W Chapline, G Frank, M Gronberg, J Jernigan, J G Johnson, S Kammeraad, J Lange, D Meyer, A Nelson, K Pohl, B Wright, D Wurtz, R Publication Date: Thu Oct 07 00:00: Research Org.: Lawrence Livermore National Lab.

Finally, a technique using muons to detect nuclear material was explored. In addition to these algorithms that used binned spectra, a new approach to isotope identification more » using ''event mode'' analysis was developed.
How yo open .cdf files on trainz simulator verification#
Verification testing indicates that these alternative isotope identification algorithms produced less false positive and false negative results than the ''GADRAS'' algorithms currently in use. This study also developed several automated algorithms for isotope identification from gamma-ray spectra and compared these to each other and to algorithms already in use. These modeling tools are now being used in various projects to optimize detector performance and model detector sensitivity in complex measuring environments.

A mechanism was created to model the combine sources and background emissions and have the simulated radiation ''scene'' impinge on a model of a detector. The performance of several types of gamma-ray imaging systems using Compton scattering were modeled and compared. The gamma-ray flux emerging from these sources, which include unclassified criticality experiment configurations as surrogates for nuclear weapons, were modeled in detail. Sources of gamma-ray radiation of interest were chosen to represent a range of national security threats, naturally occurring radioactive materials, industrial and medical radiation sources, and natural background radiation. This project explores the scientific foundation and approach for improving passive detection systems for plutonium and highly enriched uranium in real applications.